• 06546–266742
  • supporthzb@gmail.com

This Project is being implemented in Masalia block of Dumka district and Gola block of Ramgarh district respectively with the funding support of GIZ India.

ERADA (Enhancing rural resilience through appropriate development actions)

The Objective of the project is to develop and implement a Cluster level Integrated NRM and livelihood plan in pilot block of Masalia in Dumka district. on the principles of identifying opportunities for (i) improving, (ii) intensifying, (iii) expanding and (iv) integrating the existing Crop (field crops, horticulture, plantation etc.), Livestock (dairy, goat rearing, poultry etc.), Aquaculture, various NTFP based livelihoods, and Non-Farm sector based livelihoods which complement each other. At least 15,000 vulnerable households needs to be reached through community mobilisation and awareness creation measures for enhancing their demand and wage work creation under MGNREGA, Further, among the 15000 households, at least 5,000 households needs to be provided diversified livelihood opportunities for enhancing their incomes. This needs to be done through leveraging technical and financial resources of the various Government schemes and programmes, and other resources. The emphasis of overall planning process will be on building a strong handholding and support architecture at village, cluster, and block level through establishing convergence with different government line departments. These plans will also integrate with overall MGNREGS Planning, Gram Panchayat Development Plan and plans of SRLMs. Once the Cluster level integrated natural resource and Livelihood Plans are in place, technical support needs to be provided to implement the plan at local level and generating long term livelihood opportunities for vulnerable communities.


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