• 06546–266742
  • supporthzb@gmail.com

Horticulture Development :

Under Tribal development Fund of NABARD, WADI program is been implementing in ten villages of Churchu block of Hazaribag. Under the project 500 tribal families have been selected for integrated development with focus on Horticulture promotion for livelihood. SUPPORT is implementing TDF- NABARD Wadi programme at 12 villages in Churchu block of Hazaribag district. We have successfully covered the 500 tribal families in 500 acres of land in the project period. We have planted a sum of 32988 mango, 8500 guava and 49661 border plants in the project villages. During the financial year we have undertaken plantation of 10830 mango, 2707 guava & 49661 forest plants.


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