• 06546–266742
  • supporthzb@gmail.com

A five-year mission program in a joint collaboration with CInI-Tata Trusts and SUPPORT ‘The Mission 2020' Lakhpati Kisan Smart Village to bring irreversible changes in the lives of 3500 HHs in the Churchu block of Hazaribagh district is being implemented for the regional growth while transforming quality of life. In these five years, the income of families is expected to increase three times (Rs. 120000), so that they become a part of vibrant self- reliant community institutions. This initiative makes the region an impetus for development in the surrounding areas. Key principles and objectives of the project are:

Key Principles

  1. Focus on irreversibility of the impact, with increased resilience of the communities.
  2. SHG federation and secondary tiers spearheading the development processes in the area.
  3. Develop and strengthen community- based institutions including PRI members/Gram Sabha and enterprises.
  4. Market Oriented Intervention.
  5. Demand Led intervention.
  6. Innovation – not stereotyped.
  7. Convergent multi-sectoral plans addressing quality of life.
  8. Leverage of Trust investments for channelizing other source contribution.
  9. Scale of Significance and saturation approach.
  10. Maximum didis have own savings bank accounts and balance
  11. Didis are empowering like they deal to bank, block and others stakeholder.

The objectives of the project are:

  1. To sustainable and irreversible improvement in agriculture production and income generation of 3500 HH in 36 villages.
  2. To create and strengthen people institutions (SHGs, Village Organization (VO) & FPO to sustainably promote, support and manage land, water and agriculture development in the project area.
  3. Comprehensive conservation measures leads to sustainable land & water management, improved livelihoods and significantly contributes to draught mitigation.
  4. Promotion of on farm and off farm income generation activities for livelihood support and drudgery reduction for asset less and the women.

The PIP project is getting implemented in Churchu block of Hazaribag district covering 36 villages from 8 panchayats. In the given project area 26 village organizations has been established, 53 producers group and 281SHGs have been already promoted. The total project beneficiaries are 4002 HHs from SC, ST and OBC com munities.


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