• 06546–266742
  • supporthzb@gmail.com

SUPPORT (Society For Upliftment Of People With People’s Organization and Rural Technology) is one of the pioneering non-profit non-governmental organization in the state of Jharkhand. The idea behind the establishment of organization is to nurture community by using the most effective and dynamic technology and skill. SUPPORT strongly believes on the democratic process of development where all strata of people, mainly poor and marginal households can contribute their imperative role in every sphere of development and utilize the local resources to improve the lives of individual and community at large. The proverb is well known “Rome was not built in a day”. It took more than 20 years of struggle, hardwork, labour and patience to flourish this organization to contribute the nation by way of organizing the people for their development. Now it has become a well-developed and strong tree which is providing shade to thousands of beneficiaries. Imparting smile and relief to the needy is one of the fundamental aims of this organization. It is well known for promoting women empowerment, education, rural entrepreneurship, advanced agricultural techniques, organic farming, cleanliness and hygiene, conservation of natural resources, afforestation, skill development and comprehensive rural development which could lead to the development of state and nation as a whole. Keeping these milestones, SUPPORT is now operational in 9 districts of Jharkhand and is gaining the faith of thousands and thousands of people and funding agencies. It is moving forward keeping the aim “Don’t be the same, try to be better and accomplish the best “


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