• 06546–266742
  • supporthzb@gmail.com

Women Lac Entrepreneurship :

This Project is being implemented in Dadi block of Hazaribagh district with the funding support of SIDBI. Nurturing 60 Entrepreneurs through NTFP (Seed Lac and Button Lac Processing and Lac Bangle Making ) unitcentre in Dadi block of Hazaribagh district, Jharkhand.

    Project Objective -:
    Socio-economic development of 60 entrepreneur’s in Dadi block of Hazaribaghdistrict with participatory holistic development approach with the overall objective of –

  1. To generate income of entrepreneurs.
  2. To store the product for getting the right price at the right time.
  3. To open viable options for value addition. Eg.Chhapra and Color etc.
  4. To establish Lac Bangle production capacity of the unit.
  5. To open broader marketing opportunities.
  6. Total Proposed Beneficiary -: 60 Women Entrepreneurs

    Target Beneficiary -: Women from ST/SC and Poor Rural Family

    Project Output -: 60 Rural Women will be provided training and handholding support towards establishment of Lac Enterprise promotional unit towards income generation of families.


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